Il concetto di "mini libreria" è stato sviluppato da Elena Lombardi durante i suoi lunghi soggiorni in Giappone.

Ha voluto creare un luogo dove i libri ancora da leggere potessero fermarsi temporaneamente, o semplicemente un posto dove prendersi cura di quelli a cui ci si tiene di più.






Bukku ブック 01

60,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • disponibile
  • consegna in 5-8









Bukku ブック 02

65,00 €

  • 0,5 kg
  • esaurito

Studio Peacock is a design research studio, created and designed by Elena Lombardi and Stefano Giglio, founded in 2014. 

Elena Lombardi and Stefano Giglio think about new exhibition concepts, dialogue with international artists, create new works between their experimentation clay-lab in the Euganei Hills, and the Atelier in Osaka.


Their design in recent years has been strongly influenced by the artistic, philosophical and creative dialogue that has been established with a group of Japanese artists. A philosophical status that led them to look for common points between western and eastern culture in a continuous comparison, discovering that the two cultures are very close.


Studio Peacock2014年エレナ・ロンバルディとステファノ・ジリョによって創設されたデザイン研究スタジオである。エレナ・ロンバルディとステファノ・ジリョはエウガネイの丘にある彼らのラボと大阪の陶芸教室「五郎窯」を行ったり来たりしながら、国際的なアーティストたちと交流しつつ新しい展示コンセプトを考え、デザインという概念を超えた新しい陶芸品を作っている。
